
Since my early childhood, my drawings have shown my dry sense of humor.

Often, family members and pets are recruited to model. Sometimes they willingly cooperate, other times not so much. The pets are given treats to show my appreciation, family members are given my thanks.

I am a retired retail executive and my illustrations have received local and national recognition.

As snapshots from my imagination, the drawings encourage the viewer to get involved. These are not examples of “sofa art”, but rather thought provoking illustrations that encourage you to explore them and invite you to expand the untold story line.

NOTE: Drawings are photographed with a Sinar 4&5 Studio Camera, Betterlight Scanback, and printed with an Epson 9800 printer  with Ultrachrome inks on archival 100% cotton paper.’




Note: No animals were harmed during the development of these drawings and any similarity between animals drawn and the actual animal was intentional.